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60 Fun, cute and cool aesthetic photo ideas to take at the BEACH!

Hello guys, how’s it going? 🌴🌊☀

If there is a place where we go CRAAAAZY wanting to take more and more photos is the beach, right? And what a woooonderful coincidence it is that it’s precisely the place with the BEST lighting, perfect scenery, we always look radiant and happy while we’re there, and the pictures get fantastic quality as a result. MAGIC! hahaha!

But what good is all of this help from nature, if at the time we’re there we can’t come up with creative and interesting poses? 😩 It seems that every time we decide to take some pics on the beach we always get a bit shy, and nothing cool comes out of it. Happen to you to?

So I thought I’d post here a selection of 60 photo ideas to take on the beach that are creative, cute and, most of them, easy to copy 💙

Photos via Unsplash:

60 photo ideas to take at the beach

I made a selection from Pinterest and Tumblr as well! Take a look:



Lu Amaral

Aesthete: One having or affecting sensitivity to the beautiful especially in art - That's me! 💕 Graphic, digital and web design are my livelihood and my favorite hobby. That's how lucky I am.

Quick question: What's your favourite aesthetic?
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