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Photography inspiration: Easy photo ideas using a chair


Hello beautiful ladies! How are you feeling?

Today’s post is dedicated to those of you searching for inspiration for cute photos. Either the everyday social media pic kind of photo, or fancy photoshoots, we all need a little inspo to help the creativity run wild, correct?

The focus of this post? Photos with a chair 💕🪑

The good thing is we all have them around us pretty all the time, and they can be fantastic accessories to spice up a photo and to increase our options for poses as well!

All the images below are for Unsplash and Pexels:

Easy photo ideas using a chair

And hey, there’s more photography inspiration for you here on the blog! This post has inspo for photos with mirrors. On this one, the cutest ideas for pics with pets. And this one is my favourite: photos alone without showing the face.



Lu Amaral

Aesthete: One having or affecting sensitivity to the beautiful especially in art - That's me! 💕 Graphic, digital and web design are my livelihood and my favorite hobby. That's how lucky I am.

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