Disclaimer: On the Art Crush series I share a few of my fav artists and their work. This content is developed to spread the word about great artists and no commercial agreement has taken place around them.
I ran into Hayden Clay’s work on Pinterest yesterday and, omg guys, did my heart jump! 💖
Such beautiful 3d designs with beautiful retro dystopic aesthetic and a mix of the soft blurry mood with a strong feeling of urgency and confusion we often feel while dreaming. Brilliant!
Great news for anybody looking for authentic and suuuuper pretty gifts ideas: he sells his work online! And this is the link right here: www.haydenclay.com/store 🙂
According to his website, Hayden is a 3d artist and also a photographer. The “World Underwater” series was inspired by a trip to – famously known by its permanent flooded state – Venice, Italy. Each image took the digital artist around 60-120 hours to render. That explains the amazing level of detail seen in each piece.
Here’s a few more:

Please follow Hayden Instagram and support the work of this amazingly talented artist: www.instagram.com/hayden_clay 💖🤩