Hey guys!
I’m so happy to share this post with you today.
The blog is finally getting consistent and I could not be happier about it. My native language is Portuguese, but I’ve been translating more and more posts to English, so the information, tips and inspiration can reach more and more people everyday. LOVE IT!! 💖💕
So on this post I’ll be sharing 30 ideas for captions to use on Instagram, feed or Stories, whenever you post a selfie, or any pics of yourself alone… my favourite kind! hahah JK!!

This is a tricky kind of photo to post because we feel like getting philosophical and deep on the caption, but the inspiration is not always there. You know what I’m talking about!
So here’s a little help! Hope you like these:
Caption ideas for selfies
- une femme libre
- counting my lucky stars
- seek what sets your soul on fire
- i’m going to make everything around me beautiful. that will be my life
- no one is you, and that is your power
- enjoy it. because it’s happening.
- fear makes the wolf look bigger
- of course i feel too much, i’m a universe of exploding stars
- i’ll tell you what freedom is to me: no fear
- inhale love fully, and let it breathe
- i’m a happy go lucky ray of fucking sunshine
- she’s not afraid
- not your bitch
- sunshine mixed with a little hurricane
- feminist with a to-do list
- the way the night knows itself with the moon. be that way with me.
- i have a whole little world in my brain
- what is sacred in your life?
- i want to see what happens if i don’t give up
- be you. the world will adjust.
- I’m too full of life to be half loved
- no guts, no glory
- Choose happiness
- long live the reckless and the brave
- Respect the unexpedted
- cry me a fucking river, bitch
- tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
- she’s mad, but she’s magic. there’s no lie in her fire.
- crawl inside this body – find me where I am most ruined, love me there
- and you. you scare people because you’re whole all by yourself

That’s it for today girls!
Hope you find the ideas useful and inspiring! 🦋💕
P.S) Want more aesthetic caption ideas? Check out these posts with captions for every topic, like friends, travel, family, winter, fall, spring and summer!